Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson
Australia – less than 10% in church on a given weekend
Europe – 2-5%
US – 17-22% - less in urban centers
We are at a pivot point in history. We are on the verge – of extinction (at least our version) or of a missional movement.
We are now starting more new churches than we are closing. This is reversal of a trend of many years.
Missional people + Multiplying Churches = Missional Movement
(every person on mission with Jesus, baptism really does equal ordination)
2 problems:
1) Strategic problem – most of the churches we are starting, are going after the same 40-50% (those that would come to church if invited) which leaves 50-60% of the people that are outside of our target. We must find a way to go to them.
2) Missional problem – we have to figure out how to communicate the gospel to them and how to create a church experience for them. They will not come to your attractional service.
Organizational insanity – trying to solve our problems by doing what we’re doing better or by working harder.
Missional broadens our understanding of church, it doesn’t narrow it.
It’s impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.
Movements are us. They always have been connected to the church.
Imagine, shift, move, innovate
Imagine –
First and fundamental job of a leader is to define reality. This cannot be left to chance. Doing so causes default reality to kick in. Leadership by imagination either binds people up or frees them.
Answers will not be found in our recent past. We need a deeply missional imagination. This isn’t a quick fix. We have to think differently.
Shift – paradigm shift is a change in our brain in how we think. Job of the leader.
Paradigm -> Ethos -> Practices
Innovation –
Scott Belsky - Making Ideas Happen
Imagine X Implementation = INNOVATION
5 X 0 = 0
100 X 0 = 0
3 X 2 = 6
Move –
CCC taught on Priesthood of all believers
You are a priest. You have a parish.
We want to anoint you and ordain you into the ministry. If you don’t mean it, don’t come forward. Who are the people or place God has called you to?
Invictus vs. The Blind Side – leader bringing massive change to lots of people vs. one regular person bringing change to the life of one. We need both macro and micro.
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